MED TRAVEL FOCUS is one of the key topical units of exhibition devoted to medical and health-improving tourism services.

MED TRAVEL FOCUS covers a broad range of services provided by medical settings and official representatives of medical clinics in Russia and abroad.

Annually more than 8 000 visitors attend the exhibition and over 250 exhibitors take part in, 27% of them present MED TRAVEL FOCUS topical unit. Over a period of two years the geography of participants has been broadened and besides such popular medical tourism destinations as Germany and Israel representatives from Lithuania, South Korea etc. have just taken part.

Yekaterinburg is the fourth-largest city in Russia, the capital of one of the largest federal district, known as the center of international cooperation in various fields.

Recently, the interest of medical and business community representatives and people of the district as well to medical and healthcare tourism services has grown significantly. Choice of clinic by patient is a crucial moment, so we offer to consider participation in MED TRAVEL FOCUS as an effective platform both for demonstration of services to potential clients and for cooperation with new business partners.



Detailed event program is developed nearer to the date of exhibition so your offers and wishes will be taken into account.

MED TRAVEL FOCUS covers a full range of services providing specialized medical centers and official representatives of Russian and foreign healthcare centers. Official information partners of MED TRAVEL FOCUS unit are Medical Information and Rehabilitation Center and – the largest information resource devoted treatment and health-improving abroad.